- Ordinance 2021-004
An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Moulton, Alabama, being Ordinance Number 2013-004 of the City of Moulton, Alabama Adopted November 4, 2013.
- Ordinance 2019-001
An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 113-X, of the City of Moulton, Alabama and Adopting Procedures in Ordinance Number 2019-001 to Impose a Rental or Leasing Tax.
- Ordinance 2018-004
An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance Number 2013-002, Ordinance Number 113-J, Ordinance Number 114-l and Ordinance Number 114-J of the City of Moulton, Alabama and Adopting One Combined Ordinance to Define What Constitutes a Nuisance, to Establish Procedures Allowing the City to Govern and Abate Any and All Nuisances and to Provide Penalities for Any Failure to Comply With or Violation of the Provisions Contained Herein.
- Ordinance 2014-011
An Ordinance requiring persons engaged in uninvited door to door business sales or solicitations to first obtain a permit and forbids such sales or solicitations after daylight hours within the Corporate Limits of the City of Moulton, Alabama and establishing punishments for violations.
- Ordinance 2013-004
An Ordinance, in Pursuance of the Authority Granted by Sections 11-52-70 to 11-52-84, Inclusive, 1975 Code of Alabama, To Provide for the Establishment of Districts within the Corporate Limits of the City of Moulton, Alabama: Regulating Within Such Districts the Height, Number of Stories, and Size of Yards and other Spaces, The Density of Population and the use of Buildings, Structures and Land; and Providing Methods of Administration of this Ordinance and Penalties for the Violation Thereof.
- Ordinance 2010-001
An Ordinance Regulating the Sale, Advertising and Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages Within the City of Moulton, Alabama, Providing Licensing and Revocation Procedures and Establishing Punishment for Violations.
