City Clerk's Office
The City Clerk is the Custodian of public records for the City of Moulton, which
includes all minutes, resolutions, ordinances, contracts and codes. This office is
responsible for the receipt, distribution and expenditure of all City funds, such as revenue
from Business Licenses, Building Permits, and all City taxes. The City Clerk’s office is
also responsible for preparing the City Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes of the City
Council Meetings, as well as, the City Council Work Session Minutes. The City Clerk is
the City’s Chief Election Official and is responsible for the administration of Municipal
Deroma Pepper
Email City Clerk
Phone: 256-974-5191
Fax: 256-974-1024
Office Hours
Monday –Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Mailing Address:
720 Seminary Street
Moulton, AL 35650
